
Posts Tagged ‘future’

Predictions for 2010

January 9, 2010 2 comments

An old-school agency will announce that they’re “digital,” approximately 5 years after it matters.

A new technology will become the focus of endless diatribes on how, because of this new technology, advertising as we know it is over. Upstart agencies will vie to be the first whatever-the-tech-is shop. Larger agencies will ramp up whatever-the-tech-is departments. The tech shows up in everything. Yawns abound. Advertising as we know it continues.

Towards the end of the year, the death of ebooks will be lamented.

Everyone buys a tablet computer. Turns out it’s like Google Wave – people love the idea of loving the idea, but can’t figure out what to do with it. Third party manufacturers enjoy the surge in bluetooth keyboard sales.

The new i-something killer will not be, but it’ll be damned good. And quickly vilified for not being an i-something killer.

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